Sunday, May 27, 2007

Illustration Friday: Cars

When I heard this week's topic: cars I thought of this image. I drew it in the lobby of a movie theatre as we were waiting to see Spiderman III. It wasn't a bad movie. I enjoyed it, although, as the lights went down, every once in a while, I would open my sketchbook and continue with the light from the screen. The New York City backdrop was inspired by the movie.


  1. Vern, this is delightful--what a fun cast of characters in that stretch limo!

    (I'm totally impressed that you even draw in dark theaters while watching movies..!)

  2. I didn't like Spiderman III, so drawing at the same time would have been a good idea for me... but you actually did it! And I love it!

  3. Yes! I like this illo. It reminds me ona of my favourite artist Jiri Slitr. You can't know him...

  4. Nice spontaneous line work. It's confident and full of energy.

  5. wow! such nice detail! I'm also impressed that you drew that during the lighter scenes in the movie theatre!!!

  6. Love this piece a lot, fun energetic line drawing!
