Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Illustration Friday: Polar

Today, my family and I attended the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco's Japantown. Riding the city bus in order to get there (since the parking was horendus), it gave me the opportunity to generate ideas for this week's IF theme: "Polar". I observed one dapper guy carrying a business bag similar to the one pictured above. I drew this drawing while enjoying the sunny skies and spectacular San Francisco weather. It was forcasted to have rained today, but it didn't.
I considered myself fortunate to be living in an area with such a great climate. You see, I never lived in an area where temperatures drop below freezing, let alone snow! I imagined how it would be to be walking to work in the snow. The background is the portion of Japantown that I sketched while waiting for the parade to begin. We all had a memorable time thanks to the great weather!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

ArtJumble: Wizard of Oz

I've just joined a new art blog: and this week had the theme - Wizard of Oz. It was neat to draw all the characters with varying limits of mobility. Doesn't this movie bring back memories?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Illustration Friday: Fortune

Here's my submission for this week's theme: "Fortune". My wife Lucille and daughter Gennie inspired me to draw this whenever I see how well they compliment each other. Show me the love baby! Have a good week everyone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Illustration Friday: Green

Playing around a bit with my sketchbook with some Photoshop magic. Illustrationfriday's "Green" theme kind of got me thinking of little green spacemen that come and visit you at night. This is what I came up with after a little bit of playing around. It was also inspired by a couple of art magazines that I've been reading through lately.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Illustration Friday: Snap

Snap, Snap, Snap go the crabs!
For this week’s theme of “snap”: this blog entry is dedicated to the popular Filipino folklore character “Juan Tamad”. His name translates in tagalog (the Filipino native language) as “Lazy John”. He was so lazy that on one hot summer day, he instructed a sack of crabs the way to his home instead of carrying them. What did he do when the crabs made their way?... take a nap under the Guava tree, of course. There is another story to that guava tree. He was so lazy that instead of picking the guava fruit from the tree, he sat and waited for them to fall. Now that is lazy! Have a good week everyone.