Monday, March 26, 2007

Illustration Friday: I Spy

This week's theme got me to think of one spy "spying" on another. I wanted to make it look dark and mysterious like a good spy movie.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sketch Crawl 13: UC Berkeley Campus

It was another great day participating in Sketchcrawl 13. Today, we went around and drew or painted the University of California Campus in Berkeley. It was great fun and super nice weather. To see the results of the day from other artists, click here.

Illustration Friday: Total

This is an illustration I designed for a marketing campaign a couple of years ago. It was one of twenty-six illustrations (one for each letter in the alphabet) that I completed in one weekend. (Whew! Looking back, that was a lot of work.)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sketchbook Entry: Wolf

After talking to an children's book editor, I've been experimenting with a technique where I become less dependant on my linework. I'm getting kind of tired of the hardline cartoony look of my past work, so I'm going to try using a pencil to replace my ballpoint pen. I think it looks more like a children's book illustration because it softens the illustration. I'll give it a try since it could bring out some nice results.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sketchbook Entry: Bull

A little sketch that I drew in my sketchbook that I wanted to post before it got drawn on or ruined somehow. It's the first time I used a pencil in a while for the finished lineart.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Illustration Friday: Wired

While traveling a five hour plane ride to Florida: (as usual when I have nothing to do) I pulled out my sketchbook and this time drew the inside of a plane. In order to add a little bit of interest, I added my fourteen y.o. daughter listening to her ipod and tapping to the music on the back of an irate passenger's chair. Of course, this incident would never happen because I've trained her better then that. I hope. :)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Illustration Friday: Hide

Here's an illustration I used for a "Gap" employee newsletter a couple of years back. It was drawn for a campaign to watch out for those mothers with strollers during the holiday season. I thought it would also be good for this week's IF topic "hide". Notice the clothing tag hanging out the sneaky mom's coat. Poor little baby! They both look bundled up with all the extra clothing.