Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sketchbook: Saint James Church

Here's another gem. Sketched across the street from St. James Church on 23rd and Gerrero. Then, Photoshop enhanced when I got home.

Sketchbook: La Boheme Cafe at 24th and Mission

A quick sketch while sipping coffee in a San Francisco coffee shop: La Boheme in the Mission district at 24th Avenue and Mission Street. It's an old cafe that's been there forever. Sketching alongside a new artist friend of mine named Rick King. As an experiment, I took along my old fashioned crow quill pen and bottle of India ink. I seemed to have liked the results. I'll have to do it more often. There's nothing that has more richness then an old San Francisco cafe I came to realize. It's a great stress reliever too which I've been experiencing a lot of lately.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Illustration Friday: Repair

Sitting in a coffee shop, I noticed a couple without coffee and talking about how to "repair" their relationship.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Illustration Friday: Late and Climbing

Where are these guys running to? They must be late!

There's something I really enjoy about this drawing which is why I'm posting it. It was drawn in a truly emotional time in my life. You can add whatever poetic meaning you want to it. Just enjoy it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Terry Parker High Reunion Invititation

My thirty year high school class reunion is currently being planned and I was asked to draw up an invite. Whewww, time flies (when you're having fun)! I can't believe all these years have gone by so quickly. It's for Terry Parker High School in Jacksonville, Florida. Ahhh, the good '0l days. Oh yeah, our team mascots were the "Braves" which explains the guy and gal with the megaphones.

BTW, it must be Barack Obama's reunion year too. I keep hearing on the newscasts that he's the same age as me. I know I'm getting up there in the years when a candidate for president is the same age. Sheesh.

Creekside Artists: First Plein Air Outing

For the first time, my hometown artist group (Creekside Artists in Clayton, CA) had a Plein Air outing. We set up our chairs and easels near the flower stand at the weekly farmer's market down a bustling downtown street. The wind was brisk, but the coffee and friendships warmed the heart. It's nice to see our little town getting more involved with the art scene. A special thanks to Arlene and Alice for putting this all together. Hopefully this is the first of many. Happy painting everyone.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Illustration Friday: Sugary

Here's my contrib for this week's word "sugary". How appropriate, tomorrow's my birthday. Have a good week everyone.