Sunday, February 26, 2006

San Francisco Ferry Building

A quick sketch of the San Francisco Ferry Building, overlooking the Bay near the Fisherman's Wharf.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Illustration Friday: Tea

This is my submission for this week's Illustration Friday. This week's word is Tea. For all the lovers out there, this one's for you.
As the song goes:
"Just tea for two
And two for tea
Just me for you":)

Two Illustrations

Two illustrations I just completed for a local magazine - - coming to a newstand near you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sonoma City Hall

Here's a quick sketch I drew of a building familiar to some of you. Living in the San Franicsco Bay Area, there's plenty of nice architecture to sketch. This building is in the Napa Valley, in the town of Sonoma. It's in the center of Town Square. We go there every opportunity that we get. This week we went up there to celebrate our sixteenth wedding anniversary. It's a quick drive and quite refreshing! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Illustration Friday: Song

Could this be the next American Idol? This Friday's word is "Song". Nope, it's not me in the shower, but it could be you. It's a good thing I took so many figure drawing classes. I finally found a good use for it.

Have a great three day weekend everyone! Come back next week for more.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Illustration Friday: Simple

Well, it's another four years and the world gets ready for the Winter Olympics. This year it's in Torino, Italy. What a beautiful city! Tonight was the opening ceremony as the official torch was lit.

This is my second entry to the Illustration Friday website. Today's word is "simple". What could be more "simple" then flying off a ski slope - on this Olympic night!

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Illustration Friday: Chair

Here's my first drawing that I am submitting for The site inspires artists to submit weekly drawings to topics that change each week. This week's topic is "chair". Here's how I tied in this "Super Bowl" weekend with the current topic. Isn't it nice to see a loser for a change? Come back weekly to what else I might draw.