Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Illustration Friday: Thanksgiving

Can't you just taste the turkey between your lips? Mmm Mmm. Here's a fun drawing I drew for a Thanksgiving one year. It's one happy family at the Thanksgiving dinner table. I guess it just makes me smile. I could use a smile just about now. I hope it makes you smile too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. I like this, and your Tattoo! Somehow I missed that earlier.( I used to feel compelled to view Every Illo Fri entry, but in the last few weeks I've discovered it's becoming impossible!)

  2. This is soo awesome!! Love it!! THe characters are fun, and that plate of turkey thingie looks reallly tasty!!

  3. wonderful to see a happy family! love the dog!

  4. that's one turkey-lovin' family! so fun!

  5. Smilin'!

    Love those turkey thighs!

    Fun sketch!
