Sunday, April 27, 2008

Illustration Friday: Wrinkles

While everyone I thought was going to do the obvious, I wanted to be different and think outside of the box. See you next week everyone.

Sketchbook Entry: Union Square

High atop Union Square in San Francisco looking outside a Border's Book Store, I drew this little sketch one fine Saturday afternoon.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sketchbook Entries

Something else out of my sketchbook. I'm going to use this sometime or somewhere. I just don't know right now. Actually I was inspired by a notebook that my friend Nancy gave to me at a graphic artist's meeting I belong to. It was fun just being free and drawing the swirlies as I listened in on the meeting.

Sketchbook Entries

A page from my sketchbook on a hot day at Jamba Juice. Some people I saw there and others that I didn't.

Illustration Friday: Primitive

When I saw this week's word, I remembered my animation classes where we used "primitives" to begin our movies. I know all you 3-d guys know where I'm coming from. I wanted to combine the freestyle curving lines of the juggler with these geometric "primitive" shapes (the red and yellow things). Hey, if you didn't know what a primitive was in animation, now you do. You've learned a new art term!

Bet you can't guess what movie I just saw recently that inspired me on this one. Maybe you can. Here's a hint: it's after a big gray guy with an extremely long nose. If you guessed "Horton Hears a Who", you're right! Have a good week everyone.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Illustration Friday: Fail

Don't you just hate those final exams where the entire semester's grade rides on a problem solved in front of class. Yipes!!!! Let's just hope there's some extra credit.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Illustration Friday: Save

I put this sketch together pretty quickly in order to make the weekly deadline. It's been a busy week but I finally found some time as I listened to my daughter's high school band play during her open house tonight. I'm experimenting a bit more with composition: taking everything away from the center. This time the little ice cream scoop was the focus with everything radiating out from that. Hope it worked. See you next week.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sketchbook Entry: Moot Hall

They call it the Moot Hall which is a 17th century box frame building in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Taken from the same book as the previous blog entry.